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Admissions Criteria & Application Information

How to Apply


Online applications for children starting Year 1 in September 2024 will open at 12 noon on Tuesday 09 January 2024 and will close at 12 noon on Friday 26 January 2024. More information about the application process can be found here:

Admissions Criteria


We have 87 places in our Year 1 classes which have children from all across Bangor and from a wide range of nurseries and playgroups. 


If the school is over-subscribed, pupils will be admitted according to the following criteria, applied in this order: 



In the event of over-subscription in any of the above criteria preference will be given, in the order set down, to children on the following basis:


(a) Bangor Central Integrated Primary School listed as first preference.


In the event of over-subscription in sub criteria (a), children will be selected for admission on the basis of the initial letter(s) of their surname (as recorded on the birth certificate) in the order set out below:


J D X Y W O H E L R T N K M I P A C G F S B V Q Z U 


This order was determined by random selection.


In the event of surnames beginning with the same initial letter the subsequent letters of the surname will be used in alphabetical order. In the event of two identical surnames, the alphabetical order of the letters of the forename will be used (as recorded on the birth certificate)


Parents are warmly invited to contact the school office or Principal if you need further information or assistance in the completion of the application.


As an integrated school we apply the criteria to each of the following groups as we aspire to have a balance of 

  • 40%  from the Protestant tradition, 

  • 40% from the Catholic tradition and 

  • 20% from other traditions / non-religious backgrounds.


Application Information



Pre-Enrolment Information
