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Year 6

 Welcome to our Year 6 page! We have 3 classes in Year 6. Mrs McCorry (Room 8), Mrs McMullan (Room 7), and Mrs Wilson (Room 11). You will find our classes along the top corridor!

 Here you will find more information about Year 6; what we do, how we do it, and, it is also a place where you will be able to find links to help and support you in your learning. We will continue to update the page throughout the term to keep you informed about what we are learning in school. 

Click the link above to find out more about what we learn in Year 6 and how we do it. You will also find out all about the different topics we cover in Year 6. 

Year 6 Photo Gallery

In Year 6, we do lots of interesting activities and challenges, in the classroom, but also through outdoor learning. Take a look at the pictures below of us taking part in the various activities, and challenges.

Meet the Year 6 classes

We used cereal boxes to calculate the surface area of a cuboid. Don’t tell Mr. Campbell how much we enjoyed writing on our desks! I think the best part was eating the cereal after, a very tasty break!

We have been learning how important it is to reuse plastic and not just throw it in the bin. As Eco Warriors, year 6 have become superheroes so we can protect our endangered sea life.

We absolutely LOVED getting all the gymnastics equipment out to showcase all the skills we have learnt this term.

Our systems topic provided lots of scope for experiments and investigations to find out more about how our bodies work. You can see we got quite messy!

Year 6 have been learning how to plot and read coordinates. They used an aerial view of our school to find hidden letters, using coordinates that spelt out a hidden message!

Year 6 were given a challenge to draw the perfect circle measuring 5 foot in EVERY direction. They accepted the challenge and we had some circles that were perfect!
