On this page you will find some useful information about Year 5.
Everyday, children should complete their spellings, tables and Accelerated reading. Homework activities are posted on the Seesaw app. All children have been issued with a QR code which can be used to access Seesaw at home 🏠 Please keep this somewhere safe!
(If you have any difficulty accessing Seesaw, please contact your child’s teacher via the school office)
2 written homeworks (in a homework folder) will be sent home on a Friday and should be handed in to the teacher by the following Wednesday. This will be one Literacy and one Maths homework per week.
We have also provided a copy of the Mental Maths Strategies taught 🔢 This is a great resource for supporting your child with their homework activities.
Apps are a fun way for your child to consolidate their learning📱 Below is a list of apps that can be used alongside homework activities.
Meteor Maths
Here are some fun and useful websites to help support your child’s learning.