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What is resilience?

Resilience is the ability to bounce back from failure, challenges, stress and trauma. It can also help children to cope when things go wrong or if they experience change or loss. Resilience is a skill that children develop as they grow - adults have an important role in helping children to build resilience.  


A huge thank you to Mentally Healthy Schools who have collated so many of these resources.

Resilience in Kids Created by First to Draw

Watch this short animation to find out more about resilience and why it's important.



Everything Changes

The PDF below from Partnership for Children, contains great activities which are aimed at supporting your child to understand and cope with change and loss.


Bye Bye for Now - Sesame Street

Watch this video to find out how Elmo finds a strategy to overcome a challenge.

Sesame Street Resilience Skills Guide (Early Years)

Premier League Primary Stars - Resilience

Still image for this video

This activity is aimed at KS2 pupils. Watch the video and then read the activity guide.

Resilience Ladder Activity

Useful Websites & Resources for Parents/Carers


MindEd for Families

This focusses on how caregivers can support children to develop their confidence and resilience. Easy to understand advice on how you can help your child deal with change and difficult situations.


Early Education - Helping Children Cope with Change

This article, written by Jennie Lindon, explains what younger children might find difficult when change occurs and gives clear advice on how to support them through this.


Young Minds have created this poster for parents and carers which illustrates 10 simple ways you can help children to cope with change.


