Home Page

Year 7

Welcome to the Year 7 page. We have three classes in Year 7; Mrs Manogue (Room 12), Mr Galvin (Room 10), and Mr Murray (Room 9). All three classes are on the top corridor.


Y7 Classes 2022-23

Here you will find more information about what we do and how we do it. It is also a place where you will be able to find links to help and support you in your learning. We will continue to update the page throughout the term to keep you informed about what we are learning in school.

Year 7 Photo Gallery


We were learning about the Linen industry in Victorian Ireland, we then had a go at some weaving ourselves. We think they turned out pretty well! 

We collected data about cars in the Asda car park. We then displayed our results in a bar chart.

Consolidating our work on area and perimeter.

The Year 7s have been learning about Brunel and his innovative designs. They used what they had learnt to build the strongest bridges they could. Some held a 5kg weight, some held two 10kg weights and some only crumpled under the weight of Mr Galvin!! Great designs boys and girls 😄

Apprentice gardeners

Mrs Manogue’s class visited the Town hall to learn about its life in Victorian times. They then visited the walled garden and pretended to be apprentice gardeners. All applicants were successful! 😊

Read, Write, Inc

Year 7 enjoying their new spelling scheme, Read, Write Inc.

Year 7 are learning about the Victorians and the inventions from that time. They experimented with how to light a light bulb and progressed their learning to making a burglar alarm that buzzes when an intruder steps on it. We’ve got the safest rooms in the school now! 😄
