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P4H/L Weather ABL- Static Electricity, Making kites, Weather Calligrams and Weather Art Appreciation

P4W Weather ABL- Static Electricity, Making kites, Weather Calligrams and Weather Art Appreciation

P4B Weather ABL- Static Electricity, Making kites, Weather Calligrams and Weather Art Appreciation


In this topic, Year 4 will be looking at how weather impacts our own and other people's lives. We will research extreme weather. Some of the questions we will be looking at are: 


  • Why is forecasting weather so important?


  • How does weather change in relation to the seasons?


  • What is extreme weather?



As part of this topic, the children will become weather forecasters and producers for the day!


Parents as Partners 

  • We would ask parents/guardians to encourage their children to watch daily weather reports, read weather forecasts in newspapers and visit the local library to research weather.