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Our World


In this topic we explore the people, places and things that make up ‘Our World’. We research local landmarks, visit the North Down Museum and find out why Bangor Abbey has such an important role to play in the history of our town and investigate the links between our country and the larger continent of Europe. 

Our P5 visit to the North Down Museum

Our visit to Bangor Abbey


Year 5 visited Bangor Abbey to learn about early Bangor.

We had no idea how important Bangor was in the spread of Christianity and literacy throughout Europe!

Our trip to St. Comgall's Parish church

Father Gunn gave us a wonderful tour of the church, he showed us the tiles, stained glass windows and murals depicting Bangor's famous saints and their journey throughout Europe.

Celebrating St. Gall and the bear

We learnt about the story of St. Gall and how he befriended a bear. We all brought in our teddies and had a teddy bear picnic! This story reminds us we should be kind and take care of the wildlife and nature in our world.
