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Social Responsibility

Every child is unique. Our school embraces individuality, encourages responsibility and acknowledges that every pupil benefits from personal, social, intellectual and spiritual development.

We regularly celebrate the achievements of our pupils to nurture self-confidence and self-respect. Awards such as Pupil of the Week are announced in assemblies and shared with parents through Seesaw. Our Marvellous Monday celebrates the various awards, trophies, certificates and medals our pupils have been awarded for extra-curricular achievements. We want our pupils to have a sense of inclusion within the

whole school community. 



Through the Personal, Development and Mutual Understanding Curriculum our pupils learn the importance of mutual respect and understanding towards others and develop tolerance of, and trust in those who are different. Anti-bullying week encourages our pupils to understand and engage with the use of non-violent means of conflict resolution.   


Our pupils have a good understanding of how the actions of people can have a negative and positive effect on the environment. We are proud to be an eco-flag school.

We have strong links with surrounding school, learning partnerships, churches and other local institutions.
